2023 Celebration of Philanthropy

Randy Starr receives the inaugural Outstanding Professional Advisor Award
“This event fed my soul.” We were honored to hear how donors, nonprofit attendees, and community partners were touched by this year’s Celebration of Philanthropy. Always a feel-good evening, we heard stories of dreams come true throughout the night, and Foundation President and CEO, Kristin Todd, cast a vision for how to turn our community’s dreams for the future into reality.
The celebration included moments of levity, including recognition of Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!) and two dream-themed musical performances from nonprofit organizations Finally Home and The Matthews House.
Randy Starr received the first annual Outstanding Professional Advisor award for his personal and professional commitment to philanthropy, and together we celebrated the Founders Award and Community Legacy Award honorees. Learn more about their remarkable stories, below.
Founders Award
Cinthia Johnson Horner

Cindy Horner, pictured with her husband, Jim
The Foundation awarded Cinthia Johnson Horner the Founders Award for her exceptional leadership to the Community Foundation and for her involvement in the creation of the Eastern Colorado Community Fund and the Sterling Community Fund. As Cindy noted in her acceptance speech, “It is individuals, working together, who create, build, and sustain successful communities.”
Watch Cindy’s award video here.
Community Legacy Award
Doug and Connie Dohn

Connie and Doug Dohn
Doug and Connie Dohn received the Community Legacy Award, recognizing their family’s philanthropy and volunteerism through multiple generations. “Doug and I didn’t start out to leave a lasting impact, but rather to demonstrate to our children what goes around comes around. You know, karma,” said Connie during her touching remarks.
Watch the Dohns’ award video here.
Couldn’t attend or want to relive the magic?
During the Celebration, we shared this video showcasing how donors, nonprofits, and community partners are making an impact through the support of the Foundation.
Spotlight on Eastern Colorado

The Foundation Board of Trustees and staff visit Heritage Park in Sterling.
In case you didn’t gather from the video tribute honoring Cindy Horner, the Eastern Colorado Community Fund, or ECCF, has grown into a Community Foundation treasure. The people of northeastern Colorado have opened their hearts and given generously to create the ECCF– a philanthropic tool to invest in the long-term wellbeing of their communities.
Colorado is no exception to the substantial transfer of wealth happening across rural America. As heirs sell their assets in rural Colorado, this wealth is often lost to the communities where it originated. If just a portion of this intergenerational wealth was to be gifted back to its community, it could provide substantial long-term community benefit.
That’s where the ECCF comes in. The ECCF was created in 2016 to serve as a vehicle to capture and reinvest some of this wealth back into Eastern Colorado. In the seven years of its existence, the ECCF has initiated 50 funds and has grown to a grand total of nearly $17 million!
Last month the Community Foundation Board of Trustees visited the six counties served by the ECCF. Highlights from their day-long field trip included a visit to The Block Commissary Kitchen in Fort Morgan, a campus tour of Northeastern Junior College, and the opportunity to visit Heritage Park– the first community project funded by the Sterling Community Fund. Special thanks to Board Member, Jim Hendrix, and ECCF Director, John Chapdelaine, for the contextual commentary throughout the trip, and to Jim’s wife, Twila, for hosting lunch at their beautiful home in Wray.
Welcome New Board Members
Speaking of the Board, the Foundation is pleased to welcome long-time community members, LeAnn Massey and Kathi Wright, as new Foundation trustees, whose terms will start July 1.
LeAnn Massey
LeAnn retired as the Executive Director of Respite Care in 2022, after working with the Northern Colorado nonprofit for 25 years. She continues to volunteer with Respite Care and the children they serve. A third generation native of Fort Collins, she enjoys consulting with nonprofit agencies in board development and strategic planning.
LeAnn, her husband David, and their children and grandchildren enjoy the mountains, the beach and Colorado State University athletics– Go Rams!
Kathi Wright
Kathi moved to Loveland in 1978 and has been an active community contributor ever since. Professionally, Kathi worked for a variety of organizations– most notably Loveland City Hall and Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County. Kathi was elected to serve a four-year term on Loveland’s City Council in 2017. Her current occupation includes part-time endeavors supporting #LiveLoveland and the Childrens Museum of Northern Colorado.
Kathi appreciates spending time with her son, being outdoors, and enjoying live music (especially blues!).
Community Issue Briefings
IMPACT. The Community Foundation has an ambitious goal to invest $225 million in our Northern Colorado communities through grantmaking by 2032.
Individual, business, and nonprofit fundholders direct much of the Foundation’s grantmaking, so to reach our grantmaking goals and achieve community impact, we are encouraging fundholders to give generously! What we have heard from fundholders is they want to be more informed about community issues so they can give more strategically.
Enter Community Issue Briefings. As a benefit to fundholders and volunteers, the Foundation launched a series of Community Issue Briefings early this year. Sessions are designed to be an intimate, informative presentation on specific community topics requested by fundholders. So far, Issue Briefings have covered the topics of housing, behavioral and mental health, childcare, and immigration. Next month’s briefing will explore workforce preparation and training.
Together we are learning about opportunities to impact our communities from specialists and organizations who have boots on the ground every day. Thank you to our community partners for sharing your knowledge.
Issue Briefings will take a hiatus over the summer and return in the fall. Topics have been pre-determined based on feedback from fundholders.

John Roberts
1942 – 2023
Tribute to John Roberts
John Roberts, longtime friend of the Community Foundation and former member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, passed away on Saturday, May 6. John was a beloved community member and served for many years on the Foundation’s Fort Collins grantmaking committee. His passion for the community was evident in his pursuits, which included helping to found Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures, serving on the board of the Fort Collins Symphony, and as a member of the Rotary Club of Fort Collins. The Foundation board and staff send our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. John, you will be missed by everyone who had the privilege to know you.
Upcoming Events
Planned Giving Discussion – June 21
in partnership with Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
Legacy Society Ice Cream Social – July 19, 2023
Breaking Good News NoCo
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Through the support of Community Champions, the Community Foundation brings people and resources together to spark change, channel passion into action, and explore solutions. Learn more about Community Champions.