The NoCo Foundation focuses on convening the region to help create a larger impact on our communities. We host several initiatives that bring community leaders together for important conversations and to learn more about the challenges we face as a region.
We believe that when communities in Northern Colorado have a shared understanding of the pressing issues facing our region, and create ideas and solutions together, the entire region benefits.
Current Convening Initiatives

NoCo Water Alliance
To use the old adage, often attributed to Mark Twain, “Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting”; given our growing communities, and pressure on our regional water supplies, some may think it is still true.
The NoCo Foundation is deep in the heart of water conversations. Since 2019, we have convened dozens of water districts and water utilities in the Larimer and Weld County region. The attendees gave themselves the official name, Northern Colorado Water Alliance, in 2023. As the group meets bimonthly, they are learning more and more about each other’s strengths, challenges, and sharing ideas on how to be more collaborative and strategic in preserving and protecting Northern Colorado water supplies. The NoCo Foundation, through its partnership with participating organizations, works with CDR Associates as the group facilitator. We are pleased to report that there haven’t been any fights in the meetings!
How does this convening translate in real life?
Check out this article on a water partnership that would not have happened without the NoCo Water Alliance connections.

Regional leaders initiative
The cities of Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland, and Windsor recognized their potential for collaboration more than ten years ago, and they have been meeting together ever since, thanks to the NoCo Foundation’s neutral convening role.
Approximately four times a year, the Mayors, Mayors Pro Tem, and City Managers meet in an informal setting to learn from each other, share challenges and opportunities, and roll up their sleeves for the hard work of leading growing cities.
Over the years, the participants have changed due to election cycles, term limitations, and City Manager transitions. One thing remains a constant, these 12 individuals have connected in an authentic way and have deep trust despite outward perceptions of competition or proprietary stake in community development. Each community is valued for its uniqueness and valuable qualities that serve the entire region.
The NoCo Foundation will continue to hold space for these important conversations for as long as the communities seek convening support.
Our Community Champions are to thank! Without their financial support, these four communities may not have had the ability, or capacity, to meet consistently over more than a decade.

Water Literate Leaders
Water is one of the most important and controversial topics of our century. Understanding the complexity and nuances of water issues is critical for good decision-making. However, those who have helped our communities make sound water decisions are nearing retirement, meaning we need new water literate leaders to step up to the plate! We also recognize that whether you work in “water” or not, as a leader in this community, knowing about water issues is important.
The Water Literate Leader program is a collaboration between the Colorado Water Center out of CSU and the NoCo Foundation. This program is designed to engage community leaders in the water conversation and solutions for Northern Colorado.
Program participants learn about the complex Northern Colorado water issues from all angles, interact with regional water leaders, participate in visioning activities, and build active connections with key stakeholders in the region and state.
This is a great program for those who hold or aspire to political office, board, and commission roles. Learn more about this program!

Growing Communities Collaborative
Northern Colorado is a special place. And we have growing towns to show it! The major transportation corridors of I-25 and Highway 85 know the pressure well.
The NoCo Foundation is a key convener of our growing communities’ leaders during intense development, scramble for access to water, and the intersection of lost agricultural land in exchange for housing.
Town Managers and Mayors are embarking on new territory in 2024 and 2025 as they learn about each other’s communities and the daily challenges of growth in their own organizations and communities. Meeting several times a year, the growing community leaders will share lessons learned, innovative approaches to service delivery, and future planning initiatives that are at the heart of their work.
The NoCo Foundation’s Community Champions make this work possible. If you are dedicated to shaping the future of our region and want to contribute to meaningful and high-impact work, connect with us at
The Growing Communities Collaborative currently includes the communities of: Berthoud, Eaton, Evans, Johnstown, Milliken, Severance, Timnath, and Wellington