The Berthoud Community Fund is an endowment supported by local residents since 1995 to provide a sustainable funding source for long-term community benefit.

A committee comprised of community members from Berthoud (the Berthoud Community Fund Committee) provides input to the Community Foundation’s Board of Trustees and staff and is responsible for recommending grants from unrestricted and field of interest funds established to support the Berthoud community, including the Berthoud Community Fund.

The Community Fund Committee solicits grant proposals twice a year. For more information on these grant opportunities, please visit our Apply for a Grant page.


Donors are encouraged to consider leaving a lasting legacy for Berthoud through major gifts such as real estate, mineral rights, water rights, and estate gifts. Over the long term, these gifts will strengthen future generations, providing the basis for creating impact, leaving legacy.

Berthoud Community Fund Committee

FY 2023-2024
Stu Boyd
Debbie Davis
Will Karspeck
Misha Maggi
Whitney Way