Let’s Work Together
You know your clients. We know philanthropy.
Together we can ensure your clients make the best decisions for making a difference in the community. The NoCo Foundation wants to be your partner in meeting the charitable giving needs of your clients. Our staff is skilled in working with donors who have multi-faceted objectives and complex gift situations. As your partner in charitable giving, the NoCo Foundation can help you achieve success for you, your clients, and the community.
Experienced Staff
Our staff is available by phone, email, or in-person to discuss any aspect of charitable giving. We are experienced in customizing charitable giving opportunities, and we stand ready to assist you in communicating the benefits of a particular strategy. We understand that your clients might prefer to remain anonymous, and we are happy to work directly with you on their behalf. We want to help your clients make well-informed decisions they feel good about. Our staff can assist your clients with complex giving options, including charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities, estate plans, and gifts of real estate. Contact us for assistance in establishing a fund, selecting an investment strategy, or setting up an effective grantmaking program.
Permanent Presence
Our strong record of financial stewardship assures your clients that their charitable agenda will be met now and for generations to come. The NoCo Foundation’s Board of Trustees represents a cross-section of our community and works hard to maintain high donor confidence in the proper management of charitable gifts.
Economical Options
If each of our funds operated independently and had to recreate our services on its own, the price would be enormous. However, the costs associated with an outstanding staff and excellent investment advisors are shared by all of our funds. In a very real sense, each donor is backed by a staff who cares about them and their needs.
Contact Us
Contact our staff to discuss how the NoCo Foundation can help you help your clients create meaningful change in the community through charitable giving.

Cindy Bradon | CFP, CTFA

Lynn Hammond | J.D.