Endowments and long-term reserve funds are established by nonprofits to generate a source of ongoing annual income, providing financial security and helping ensure that an organization will be fulfilling its mission for years to come. The NoCo Foundation provides all investment services, acts as a trusted advisor, and serves as the nonprofit’s planned giving office.
Why Open a Nonprofit Fund?
The NoCo Foundation adds value to nonprofit endowment programs by offering an investment program that small and midsized nonprofits simply cannot afford to duplicate without at least several million dollars in assets.
Benefits of establishing a fund through the NoCo Foundation:
- Allow nonprofits the time to actually promote and solicit endowment gifts.
- Our staff provides hands-on assistance, allowing you to outsource your planned giving duties.
- We can handle gifts involving complex assets, gift annuities, and trust arrangements.
- Nonprofits get exposure to our family of donors and fund advisors.
- We share your story with the local philanthropic community and encourage their support of your cause.
- We’ve created an Endowment Building Toolkit designed to help nonprofit organizations be successful in establishing and building an endowed fund.
To learn more about establishing a nonprofit fund, contact our staff at (970) 224-3462.
The following organizations have a nonprofit agency fund established at the Community Foundation:
A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast Colorado
Alliance for Suicide Prevention
American Hippotherapy Association
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County
Brush Area Chamber of Commerce
Canyon Concert Ballet – Randy Wray Endowment Fund
Centennial Area Health Education Center
Children’s Speech and Reading Center
Cooperating Ministry of Logan County
Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc.
Estes Park Museum Friends & Foundation
Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success
Estes Valley Restorative Justice
First United Methodist Church Loveland
Fort Collins Breakfast Rotary Charitable Foundation
Fort Collins Children’s Theatre
Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity
Fort Collins Museum of Discovery
Fort Collins Symphony Endowment Fund, Inc.
Fort Sedgwick Historical Society
Foster and Adoptive Families of Larimer County
Friends of the Gardens on Spring Creek
Friends of the Loveland Library
Global Village Museum of Arts and Culture
Haxtun Hospital District Foundation
Heart-J Center for Experiential Learning at Sylvan Dale Ranch
Larimer County 4-H Youth Foundation
League of Women Voters of Larimer County
Loveland Methodist Foundation, Inc.
Loveland Rotary Club Foundation
Lubick Foundation – Ram Strength
Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins
Meals on Wheels of Loveland and Berthoud
Melissa Memorial Hospital Foundation
Northeastern Junior College Foundation
Phillips County Family Education Services
Poudre River Library Trust, Inc.
Realities for Children Charities
Rotary Club of Fort Collins Charities Inc.
Rotary Foundation of Fort Morgan Colorado
Rural Alternative for Transportation