Did you know that you have your very own charitable advisor for your estate planning at the Community Foundation? We would be honored to help you put a plan in place to leave a legacy. Donors can gift a portion or all of their estate to the Community Foundation and we can ensure your charitable vision continues. You can easily do this through beneficiary designations from retirement funds, life insurance, pension plans, or simply through a bequest in one’s will. Click here for sample language for a bequest.
Our Legacy Society recognizes all those who have extended their charitable giving beyond their lifetime in some manner. It includes all donors who have established an endowment fund during their lifetime, advised our staff the Community Foundation is in their estate plans, or made a gift from their estate into an endowed fund. These gifts will benefit Northern Colorado and the Eastern Plains communities far into the future.
You may be surprised that the Foundation can even help you create a plan to involve your family in your charitable vision, now, or after your lifetime. Want to learn more? Reach out to your Community Foundation philanthropy advisor.