The Sterling Community Fund is an endowment created by local residents to provide a sustainable funding source for projects that make Logan County a more attractive place to live, raise a family, establish a business, and retire.
We are grateful for more than 450 individuals, families, businesses, and organizations that have contributed to the Sterling Community Fund.
All donors are listed below, as well as through the QR Code, located on the west end of the SCF Founders Wall in Heritage Park, downtown Sterling. An asterisk following a name indicates a contribution of $10,000 or more, donors that are recognized on granite tiles affixed to the SCF Founders Wall.
In Memoriam
Jack Annan*
The Budin Ranch*
Marcia Burnham*
Steve Burnham*
Sandra Condon
Dr. John Elliff
Raymond T. and Laura Cutler Fortner*
Ken and Joan Horner*
Russell Neil Johnson*
Ellis and Barbara Jones*
Bill and Florene Lock*
Nancy Mann*
John Mares
Alma McArthur
Rudy Michieli
John and Nancy Nichols*
Iris Parker
Bob and Chris Petteys*
William and Winifred Adella Ramey*
Dr. Clark Scriven*
Bob Segerstrom
Daniel and Carmen Torres*
Derek Weingardt*
Cal West*
Individuals and Families
Mike and Blair Aimone
Kenny Alderson
Don and Patty Ament
Brad and Kelley Anderson
Mark and Donna Anderson
Sherrie Anderson
Bill Annan*
Les and Bobbi Archuleta
Kerry and Gena Armagost
Jim and Patty Armbruster
Jay and Lori Armstrong
Baxter and Carol Arnold*
Gene and Jaylene Ballard
Cody and Carisa Bamford
Kent and Naida Bamford*
Jerry and Norma Barton
Mike Bayley
Dale and Jeannie Bedsaul
Joe and Stacey Bellendir
Bill and Vickie Benson
Ashley Berman
Bob and Lisa Blach
Norm and Ann Blackburn
Don and Deborah Boothe
Pat Borner
Conrad and Gloria Bostron
Jill Brammer
Greg and Candy Brecht
The Breidenbach Family
Carl and Rexann Briggs
Dayan Briskey
Josh and Anna Brown
Elinor Brown
Paul and Mary Budin*
Rudy and Dianne Budin*
Brian and Nikki Budman
Greg and Karen Burkholder*
Steve and Marcia Burnham*
Ed and Tracie Byczkowski
Don and Audrey Carey
Randy and Delna Carruthers
Tyler and Kylie Chamberlain
John and Cindy Chapdelaine
Harold and Vickie Chapel*
Connie Clark
Mark Cochran
Bob and Sue Davis*
Jim and Sandy Dickenson
Chris and Joy Dinsdale
Tim and Jill Distel
Tim and Shanan Doherty*
Mickey and Cheri Dubs*
Jess and LaVonne Duncan Jr.*
Brent and Stacey Erickson
Dave and Tricia Etl
Joel and Maret Felzien
Larry and Elsie Fetzer*
Bob and Debbie Fillion*
Howard and Julie Fix*
Rafael Flores*
Dan and Karen Foote
Bryson Fredregill
Bill Fredregill
Leon and Bev Fritzler
John Gaeuman*
LaQueta Gallager
Ben and Elizabeth Gardiner
Adam and Maica Gardiner
David and Nikki Gatch
Tony and Lauren Gerk
Jennifer Goble*
Charles and Kathy Green
Dave and Tara Guenzi*
Mike and Kim Hager*
Edward and Amalia Halouska
Connie Ham
Jacob and Mattie Haney
Matt and Shelly Haragan*
Kelvin and Jodie Harless
Val and Melody Heim
John and Wendy Hickert
Alan and Cindy Hoal*
Katherine Hoekstra
Michelle Hoff
Grant Hogarth*
Jim and Cindy Horner*
Mike and Melanie Hotz
Major Hudson
Lawrence and Michelle Huggins
Ann Hunt*
Shirley Inskeep*
Larry and Kim Jackson
Max and Lindsey Jackson
Corey and Meghan Jackson*
Rick and Mikki Jackson*
Matt and Bonnie Janda
Jeff and Connie Japp*
Mike and Kelly Jenkins*
Jordan Jensen
John and Wendy Jerman
Abe and Kelli Johnson
Matt and Cindy Johnson*
Wilmer and Donna Johnson
Don Jones*
Lance Juelfs
Doug and Diana Kaufman
Joe and Kathy Kaufman
Monte and Carol Keil*
Shane and Kali Keil
Sandie Kerr*
Tom and Sandy Kiel*
Curt and Judy Kimball*
Lyndsey and Travis King
Rob and Peg Kircher*
Bob and Marilyn Kircher*
Karen Kobayashi
Jason and Nicole Koester
Mark and Peggy Kokes
Anne Korbe
John Korrey*
Caleb and Paige Knowles
Jarod and Pam Kuntz
Jared and Brittany Kurtzer*
Ryan and Brittany Kurtzer*
Dave and Marnet Kutchar
Dick and Peggy Lamb*
Roger and Kim Lambrecht*
B. J. Langdon
Ryan Larkin
Ken and Brenda Lauer
Mike and Brenda Lauer*
Nate and Lindsey Laybourn
Cheryl Lebsock
Alice Ledin
Calvin and Kathy Lee
Jay and Terri Lee
Christopher Leh*
Jim and Ann Leh
Jared and Rochelle Lenox
Ray and Amber Lightle
Ed and Jeanette Lininger
Rick and Jana Lock*
Jenae Lock
David Lorenzo
Ron and Barb Lorenzo
Dean Lousberg*
Kelly Lowery
Jim and Peggy Lueck
Ashley Lynch
Larry and Carolyn Maker
Nancy Mann*
Gene Manuello
Coy and Bernadette Marick
Joe and Jenae McBride
Mark McDonald
Bret and Tina McEndaffer*
Maxine McFarland
Jim and Nancy McNay*
Nadean Meier*
Steve and Terri Meier*
Linda Meisner*
Casey and Snow Mekelburg
Gilbert Meraz
Darrel and Deb Mertens
Patrick and Alie Mertens
Jami Miller-Sonnenberg
David Mills
Damon and Jaqui Mitchek
Judy Mohr*
John and Rhonda Monheiser
Nicholas and Sarah Moore
Kay and Fran Morison
Kris Morrison
Anne Elliff Nicholas
Rob and Rosie Nichols*
Joe and Leeann Nichols
Nancy Nichols*
Jerry and Ann Nickel
Babs O’Connell*
Rich and Kay O’Connell*
Bill and Phyllis O’Dell
Michelle Owen
Bob and Paula Patten*
Joe Patterson
Peirce Family
Curt and Tricia Penny
Harry Peterson*
Leslie Petteys*
Dave Piel
Curt and Cindy Pilkington*
Derek and Jacqueline Pilkington*
Pat Pilkington*
Skyler and Jammie Pimple
Travis Pittman
Matt and Angie Pomeroy
Brian Porter
Morgan and Britt Pratt
Ted and Penny Propst*
Gary Ramey
Marc and Jennifer Reck*
Reeves Family
Cade Reynolds
Bradford and Julie Rhea*
Keith and Mike Rhodus*
Andy and Janice Rice
J.C. Richardson
Brenda Robinett
Coleman Robinson
Jeff Robirds
Jeff and Hydi Rosas*
Roberta Rosas*
Marilyn Ross
Scott and Kendall Rubottom
Don and Sally Saling
Rick and Stephanie Sanger
Jim and Becky Santomaso
Ken and Laura Scalva
Dennis and Suzan Schadegg*
Mike and Amy Schadegg
Mike and Denise Schaefer*
Gerry and Carrie Schaefer
Marc and Cheryl Schiel
Todd and Corinna Schmidt
Avery and Lori Schott
Tim and Connie Schott*
Paul and Traci Schrade
Mike and Kammy Schuppe
Helen Schwisow
Clark and Diane Scriven*
Kathie Seetch*
Shawn and Jenifer Seifried
David and Kim Sellers
Shannan and Renee Selvidge
Daniel and Marti Sharp
Steve and Lisa Shinn
Doug and Kendra Short
Fred and Rhonda Simants*
Hoyt and Carmen Skabelund
Sue Skalla
Jim and Vickie Smith
Tim and Tammy Sonnenberg*
Sam and Julie Sonnenberg*
Jared and Rita Sonnenberg
Pete and Kathy Spelts
Mike and Linda Sperber*
Brandon and Amanda Steele
Adam Steinbach*
John Stieb
Richard and Kimberly Stone
Alan Stromberger*
Brad and Jonna Stromberger*
Deb Stromberger*
Betty Stumpf
Doug and Shelly Stumpf
Jordan Suter
Kimberly Suter*
Dan and Cristin Sutter
Scott and Michele Szabo*
Doug and Carol Taft
Dave Tennant and Family
Norm and Sharon Timmerman*
Ron and Jaye Timmerman*
Ryan and Nicole Timmerman
Dan and Karen Torres*
Bob and Lana Tramp
Mike and Heidi Tribbett
Pam Trimble
Rodney and Sharon Tseu
Clayton and Courtney Unrein*
Kim Unrein
Rick and Diane Unrein*
Deanie Van Berg
Kay Wagner*
Rick and Nancy Wagner*
Lyndsay Weingardt
Rick and Sue Weingardt*
Bill and Laurae Welch*
Mike and Pam Werner*
Tom and Myra Westfall
Levi and Karin Williamson
Josh and Sallie Wilson
Todd and Karen Wolfley*
Ann Woods*
Shane Woolery
Alex Wright*
Chad Wright
Mike and Vickie Yarrington
Rick and Korrie Yost
Businesses and Organizations
Adams Bank and Trust
Advantage Feedyard
Aero Applicators/Aero SEAT
Ag Tech Repair, Inc
Arca Landscape, LLC
Area Wide Realty
Ashley Morgan Designs
Ay Chihuahua Restaurant
B & J Plumbing and Heating*
Bank of Colorado*
Banner Health – Sterling Regional MedCenter
Baseggio Pumpkin Patch
Better Electric*
Breidenbach Brothers Inc.
Brenda Robinett Insurance Agency
Broadway Wine and Spirits*
Carol’s Chair Boutique
Carpet Comfort Center*
Cassandra’s Destination Tea
Cattleya by Steele Terrain
Cecelia’s Kitchen
CJ Pharmacy Services Inc
Clear Water Farms Partnership*
Colorado Popcorn Company
Colorado Retail Ventures Services (Eagle)*
Constructive Resolution Center
Cornerstone Construction & Excavating*
Country Gardens Nursery
CSU Northeast Regional Engagement Center
Dairy Queen
Dale’s Jewelry
Detail Shoppe
Dinsdale Brothers
EB Auto
Edward Jones: Brandon Steele, Nicki Swedlund & Pam Werner*
Equitable Savings and Loan
Expert Electric
Family Food Market*
Fashion & Rations
First Farm Bank
Fleming Auto Sales
Fresh Faced Aesthetics
GL Woodcraft
Grill at River City
Halouska/Chaney-Reager Funeral Home
Harmony Home
Hibbett Sports
High Plains Agri Services
Holiday Inn Express & Suites – Sterling
Home Depot – Sterling
Horizon Motor Sports Colorado
Hot Spot Smokehouse
Howard Fix Construction*
H-R Tire Company*
Ice Lanes
Ignite Athletics
Industrial Welding and Supply*
J&L Café
Jackson Insurance Agency*
Jan’s Junction
Johnson and Associates CPAs*
Johnson Farms*
Journal Advocate*
Journal Office Supply
Kammy Schuppe Photography
KB Photography*
Kim’s Fashion Eyewear
Korf Motors
Korrey Auctions*
Kuntz Pump and Well
Lauer Plumbing and Heating
Lauer, Szabo and Associates*
Law Office of Brian Budman
Leibert-McAtee & Associates
Logan County Chamber of Commerce
Logan County Commissioners
Lorenzo Apothecary
Manuello’s Inc
Marick’s Waste Disposal
McDonald and Keil Physical Therapy
McEndaffer Cattle Company*
Mi Ranchito Restaurant
Mike’s Meat Market
Mitchek’s Diamond W Grain
Momma Conde’s Restaurant
Morison Farms
Morrison Chiropractic
Mr. D’s Hardware
MW Equipment
NextEra Energy Resources
Northeast Agri-Service
Northeast Colorado Family Medicine
Northeast Colorado Title Company
Northeastern Dance Academy
Northeastern Junior College Foundation
Old Library Merchantile
Otter Box
Parts and Labor Brewery
Pawnee Valley Investments
Perfection Door
Perfectly Polished Day Lounge
Performance Plus of Colorado
Picture This Custom Picture Framing
Pilkington Financial Services*
Pioneer Distributing
Platinum Technology
Precision Homes of Colorado*
Premier Farm Credit
Pro Sports*
R Bar Cattle Company
R.L. Design*
Reck Agri Services*
Riverview Golf Course
Robirds Electric
Rotary Club of Sterling*
Salud Family Health Center
Sam and Louie’s Restaurant
Santiago’s Mexican Restaurant
Schaefer’s Precision Body and Frame*
Signal Graphics
Simkins Parlour
Sky Ranch Golf and Grill
Sodexo @ NJC
Sonnenberg Agency
Spurs Restaurant
Spurz Grill
SRM Banner Bistro
Staci Cakes
State Farm Insurance
Sterling Animal Clinic
Sterling Eye Center
Sterling Family Resource Center
Sterling Federal Credit Union
Sterling HVAC Services LLC
Sterling Livestock Commission
Sterling Monument Company*
Sterling Reviewers Club*
Sterling RV Center
Sterling Travel Agency
Sterling Trophy Shop
Stewart Title Company
Stieb Farms
Studio Laybourn, LLC
Sunsations, LLC
Sweetgrass Salon
Sweetly Vintage
Tallgrass Energy
Tennant Funeral Home
The Wax Room
Town Square Realty
TransWest Chevrolet
Trinidad Benham Corp
TWC Management/Best Western Sundowner
Twenty-First Century Equipment*
UC Health
Veterinary Medical Clinic
Village Inn
V-Y Truck Line
Walgreens – Sterling
Walker Pharmacy
Wells Fargo Advisors
Williamson Lowery Fredregill
Willow’s Farmhouse Grill
Windmill Water DBA Culligan
Wonderful House Restaurant
Wright Law Firm*