For Nonprofits Community
Fund Grants

The Community Fund Grant application is currently closed — Will Open in July.

The NoCo Foundation creates transformational community impact by inspiring philanthropy and engaging the region. We work at the confluence of ideas, impact, and solutions and seek to foster collaboration and create a more engaged, philanthropic, and visionary community.

Through its grantmaking, the NoCo Foundation aims to drive impact on issues facing our growing region, as defined in our Northern Colorado Intersections Report. The NoCo Foundation’s discretionary and responsive grantmaking specifically focuses on key issues identified in the Sheltering & Caring and Connecting intersections.

Funding Priority Areas

Sheltering & Caring

Affordable Housing, Aging Population, Childcare


Social Connectivity & Belonging, Mental Health

Community Foundation Grantmaking – Community Funds

NoCo Foundation’s discretionary funding amounts to approximately 2% of total funding and is distributed through a responsive grant process focused on the communities of Berthoud, Estes, Fort Collins, and Loveland. Most of the funding distributed to the community is done through grants made from donor advised and designated funds held at the Community Foundation.

These Community Funds are comprised of philanthropic dollars left by generous donors who held donor advised funds at the NoCo Foundation during their lifetimes and wished to leave a legacy in their community.

At the NoCo Foundation, we seek to ensure these limited dollars are impactful. We believe we can drive greater impact through two grant programs: Community Grants and Intersection Grants.

Community Grants

The Community Grant application is now closed.

A portion of each Community Fund’s funding will be available through a streamlined Community Grant process. These grants will range from $2,500 – $5,000 (if you have a smaller, discreet funding need, please reach out to to discuss) and can be for general support, program, or project funding.

In addition to the priorities noted above, some Community Fund Committees have identified 1-2 additional priorities for Community Grants:

Berthoud Estes Valley Fort Collins Loveland
No additional priorities Food Security
Music & Arts
Community Engagement

Intersections Grants

The LOI process is now closed. Organizations that submitted an LOI will be notified directly if the review committee invites a full application.

Grantseeker FAQ

The NoCo Foundation makes grants to 501c(3) charitable entities, educational institutions, churches, or government entities that are in good standing with the IRS. If you are group, club, association, or organization that does NOT fit this criteria, but are seeking funding for a charitable project, consider partnering with a 501c(3) OR government agency that can be your fiscal sponsor and apply on your group’s behalf.

The Foundation typically does not fund:

  • Individuals
  • Businesses/for-profit companies
  • Private foundations
  • Political lobbying/candidate campaigns for political office
  • Sponsorships, tables, or tickets for special events or fundraising events
  • Debt retirement/deficit financing

Due to limited funding available, nonprofits should not expect or depend upon receiving grant support. We will hold one grant cycle per year each fall. Applicants are welcome to apply each year.

All grant reporting will now be within the Grant Portal. You’ll see a link to your grant “follow-up” assignments on your applicant dashboard.


The majority of our grants are made from Donor Advised and Designated funds; typically less than 2% of our annual distributions are made as part of our competitive grant cycles, which are described on this page.

Community Impact

Grant distributions

as of fiscal year end, June 30
*Unaudited financials

Additional Grant Opportunities


The GroupGives Fund serves as the charitable arm of The Group Real Estate. The fund was founded to help people get into and stay in their homes through education, home maintenance/improvement, and financial assistance. Grants from the fund support organizations and programs that promote this mission.

Loveland Generations

The Loveland Generations Fund was founded in 2000 to support projects and organizations that benefit Loveland residents. Preference is given to proposals that specifically serve Loveland youth. The 2024 cycle will also focus on projects that center on people experiencing homelessness, especially youth. Applications for the 2024 cycle will be accepted from July 1-26.

Kayla Marie Adsit Memorial Foundation

The Kayla Marie Adsit Memorial Foundation Fund was founded in 2009 with the vision that one day, all school-age children in the Fort Collins, Colorado area will have equal access to a quality music education and the music programs at their schools or nonprofit organizations will be thriving learning and cultural performance centers.

The Kayla Marie Adsit Memorial Foundation Fund is a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado and operates a semi-annual grant cycle. Grant funding is made through grants to individual schools, or other non-profits, for the purpose of supporting their students / clients. The fall application cycle is August 1 – October 1. The spring application cycle is December 1 – February 1. You can request up to $500.00.


(Community Awareness of Resources, Enrichment, and Services)
The mission of NoCo CARES is to promote awareness of philanthropic needs in Northern Colorado and inspire others to make a difference in the community. NoCo CARES, in partnership with TPC Colorado, hosts quarterly gatherings featuring local nonprofit organizations. Attendees receive an opportunity to learn about the mission and vision behind various local nonprofits as well as an awareness of the needs within our community and ways to help (monetary, volunteer opportunities, or otherwise). Visit the NoCo CARES page for more information.