- First, you will be asked to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to provide initial information for the Foundation to assess the viability and fit of the project.
- If the organization is determined to be a viable candidate for a loan from the Community Foundation, its representatives will be invited to submit a full application.
- The Foundation will review the application, with consideration of the organization’s strength, community impact, and the organization’s ability to repay the loan.
- Organizations may have an opportunity to present their project to the Foundation. These presentations last around 20 minutes and are followed by a Q&A period.
- The Foundation will make every attempt to make a final decision within 45 days of receiving the full If the loan is not approved within 90 days for any reason, the applicant may be asked to submit updated materials.
- Applicants will be informed if the application has been approved or denied. If approved, the loan will enter the legal review and document preparation stages.
- Once loan terms are approved, the Foundation will prepare all necessary documents, including, but not limited to: Note and Security Agreement, Deed of Trust, Guarantees and Funds will be disbursed upon receipt of all required documents.