The NoCo Foundation is proud to introduce a new look and user experience for the fund portal! This tool aligns with our highest priority: supporting you or your organization on your philanthropic journey. Your online fund portal is a secure, efficient, and intuitive platform through which you can review fund balances and view statements, and, depending on your access, recommend grants and discover new giving opportunities. The information below is intended to guide you in learning this system and answer frequently asked questions. 

Once registered/logged in

If you have access to multiple funds, when you log in, you’ll see each fund listed. Select the fund with which you wish to interact. If you have access to only one fund, you will be directed to the Fund Summary page of that fund.

From the Fund Summary page, you can select the tabs along the left-hand navigation pane to review informational areas available to you. For an overview of each tab’s function, expand the Fund Portal Navigation section below.

First time logging in? Check out the FAQ section for next steps. 

Fund Portal Navigation

Depending on the type of fund you advise, your online fund access will look something like this:

  • Fund Summary
    Shows the fund balances as well as a summary of recent gifts (contributions) into the fund and grants disbursed from the fund. If you have access to multiple funds, conveniently switch between funds using the drop-down under the fund name or click on the Fund Management toggle at the top of the page.
  • Fund Liaison
    Your charitable concierge! This staff member is your primary contact at the Foundation. You may click on the email address to connect with them. 
  • Gift History
    Shows gifts into the fund. Unless the donor has requested to remain anonymous, clicking on a contributor’s name will show their history of donations into the fund. Click on the “Export” button at the top of the section to download the data into a CSV spreadsheet. To view your gift history to any fund at the Foundation, click on the All My Gifts toggle at the top of the page.
  • Grant Center
    Once selected, the top of this page will offer three main options to learn more about the fund’s grants: Grant Summary, Grant History, and Recurring Grants.
    • Grant Summary provides an overview of the grants summarized by the grantee. Clicking on a grantee’s name will show the history of grants made to that organization.
    • Grant History shows grant distributions made from your fund in an itemized list, starting with the most recent.
    • Select the “Copy” button to create a new grant request with the same details as the previous grant recommendation. You may edit details on the next screen. 
    • Click on the “Export” button at the top of the section to download the data into a CSV spreadsheet. 
  • Recurring Grants lists any recurring grants you’ve established for the fund. By selecting the individual recurring grant, the option to edit will appear on the right-hand side. If you’d like to cancel a grant, update the grant amount or grantee, reach out to your Fund Liaison.
  • Giving Opportunities Catalog will only appear quarterly as an option when open for funding. Our Giving Opportunities Catalog increases impact by pooling donor advised fund resources to support strong organizations’ emergent needs in our community.
    • If interested in learning more about one of these important projects, click the “Donate” button on the project tile. 
    • Once a project tile is selected to support, click the “Grant Request” button to initiate a distribution from your donor advised fund. (Note: If you click the “Donate” button here, you’ll be prompted to give by credit card. Skip this to use the resources already in your DAF.) Projects may be supported in full or with a partial amount—all donations, large and small, will make a big impact in helping our community thrive! 
  • Grant Request
    Should you have this level of access, you can make grant recommendations from the fund’s spendable balance to a nonprofit or another fund held at NoCo Foundation. There is a $250 grant minimum. See additional instructions in the FAQ section on requesting a grant distribution. 
  • Fund Statements
    Monthly fund statements generated since December 2023 will be listed here to view, download, or print. Click View on the right-hand side to open the document as a PDF file in a new window of your web browser. From here, you can download or print the statement. (Statements prior to December 2023 are available upon request.) 
  • Donate with a Credit Card
    Make a gift to your fund or one of the Community Foundation’s funds via credit or debit card. This tab redirects to our website’s Giving Hub page where gifts by card are processed. Should you wish to make a gift of another type, contact your Fund Liaison. As set forth by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Agency Funds may only receive gifts directly from the agency. 
  • Logout (top of the page)
    Exit the portal securely and return to the login page. You will be automatically logged out each night, even if you forget to do so manually. 


Navigate to our website at and select Portal Login at the top-right of the homepage. Ensure to select fund portal, not the grant portal, which is our grantees’ application system. 

A fundholder can access the fund portal in one of two ways:  

  • On the login page, enter your primary email address on file with the Foundation (all lowercase, usernames are case sensitive). A PIN will be sent to that email address. This code is active for 3 minutes. Enter the code on the login screen to complete login. 
    • You can decide to use your email and receive a PIN to log in every time or set a password. These options will remain on the initial login page. 
  • To set a password once logged in, navigate to the Profile icon on the top right-hand side of the portal. Select “Security” on the left-hand navigation. Set your password here.  
  • The system will lock you out after ten unsuccessful login attempts. For help accessing your locked fund, please contact us 
  • You can reset your online fund portal password at any time through the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. Your username is the primary email address we have on file (all lowercase, usernames are case sensitive). Instructions to reset your password will be sent to your primary email address. It may initially go to your junk or spam folder, so please check there. 

The Foundation’s fund portal is a cloud-based system, which means it has full compatibility with a wide range of devices that can access the internet through a browser. However, users report a better experience with the Google Chrome browser than with Internet Explorer or Edge browsers. There is no separate app for the fund portal. 

Once logged into the fund portal, based on access level, fund representatives may request a grant be distributed from the fund via the Grant Request tab on the left-hand side navigation. A list of prior grant requests, along with their current status, is shown on this page. 

  • Start the request by clicking the Create Grant Request button to the right. 
  •  Choose the grantee type from the buttons that appear below.  
    1. If selecting a grantee previously funded OR granting to another fund held at NoCo Foundation, click “Previous Grantee and locate the nonprofit or fund from the drop-down lists. 
    2. Search for a grantee by using the “Search Granteeoption. Enter keywords for the organization’s name, city, state, and/or EIN, and then click the “Search” button. The system will search the Foundation’s database first and then Candid for organizations containing the search information. (Candid is an information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit organizations.) Toggle between the database options to find the desired organization and then click “Create Request” to start a grant recommendation. 
    3. If the nonprofit is not found in the Foundation’s database or Candid, create a new nonprofit grantee by using the “Manual Granteeoption and entering the name, address, zip code, and phone number. These fields are required to move the request to the Foundation for due diligence and approval. 
    4. Agency Fund Advisors: Agencies can only make grants (distributions) to their own organization. For first-time distributions, enter organization information manually via the “Manual Grantee button as detailed above. 
  • Click the Review button for a final review and submittal to NoCo Foundation for processing.  
  • Once received, the grant will go through a due diligence review and be processed within 7-10 business days. Occasionally, it is necessary to adjust this timeline due to holidays or other one-time occurrences. 

Email confirmations are sent when grant requests are successfully submitted; and email notifications are sent to fund advisors once the grant distribution is completed. A record of fully processed grant requests can be found in the Grant Summary and Grant History sections of the Grant Center. 

The Foundation processes gifts in 7-10 business days. During certain peak periods, such as the calendar year-end, gift processing may take longer. 

  • Click the Profile tab in the upper right corner of your fund portal. Within this Personal Information tab, click the Edit Information” button to update your address and phone number. Any changes made will be sent to the Foundation for approval and update of records. 
  • Additionally, on the Security tab, you may change your fund portal password and enable 2-step verification for your login. 

Currently, tax receipts are not available in the fund portal. The Foundation sends a tax receipt when the gift is processed. Please email your Fund Liaison to receive a copy of the tax receipt. 

Important note on fund statements 

Should you need a monthly statement for a period prior to the ones available under the Fund Statements tab, please contact our Accounting Team to request a manual statement be prepared. 


We are excited to provide you with this portal experience and continue to serve as a trusted steward for your philanthropic goals! If you have any questions along the way or encounter issues logging in, please contact your Fund Liaison or ourPhilanthropic Services Team.