The Community Foundation is pleased to provide the following information, which is intended to guide you as you consider ways to impact your community through charitable giving. Our staff is available to discuss this information.

Budget for giving

Include your philanthropic activities in your family budget just as you would other financial obligations. Don’t wait until you’re asked to give; instead, plan a giving strategy in advance. Contact our staff to discuss how your gifts can be most effectively used and where you can make a real difference in the community.

Be an informed giver

Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you’re asked to give. Ask for the specific name of the solicitor and his or her relationship to the organization. How much of your gift will be used for overhead expenses? What are the specific projects toward which your gift will be allocated? Give only when you feel comfortable that your dollars will be supporting an organization you trust.

Ask about matching gifts

Many employers match gifts made by their employees, or make grants to organizations recommended by employees. Ask your company if it can help stretch your gift even further.

Consider alternative forms of giving

Don’t overlook the benefits you and the causes you care about can receive from a gift in your will, charitable gift annuities, gifts in kind, endowments, and other creative types of gifts. Talk to our staff, your tax advisor, or your attorney to create the best plan for you, your family, or your business.

Plan for the future of your fund

If you have a donor advised fund with the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, please consider documenting your wishes for the fund after your lifetime. The two primary questions to consider are: 1) How long after your lifetime do you want your fund to continue? and 2) How will grantmaking be determined? There are several options to consider, all of which can be easily documented through an addendum to your fund agreement. Plan your fund.

Read on…

American Council on Gift Annuities
Council on Foundations
United Way of Larimer County