We are the kitchen table
Through our unique independent convener role, the NoCo Foundation has a deep understanding of the complex issues challenging our region. Thanks to our Community Champions, the Foundation is harnessing this opportunity to bring community leaders together to address Northern Colorado’s most pressing issues.
“We can be the kitchen table, convening decisionmakers to work towards important solutions for generational impact.” -Kristin Todd
Who are Community Champions?
Community Champions are donors who make an annual gift at any level to support the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado’s regional engagement work. They are NoCo Foundation fundholders, businesses, sponsors, and community members who share our belief that through collaboration, Northern Colorado can continue to be one of the best places to live, raise a family, build a business, and retire.
Introducing Northern Colorado Intersections
Northern Colorado Intersections — an initiative made possible with support from Community Champions — is Northern Colorado’s first-of-its-kind report of the key performance indicators affecting our region’s well-being. A new cornerstone initiative of the Community Foundation, this report will serve as a catalyst for important community conversations. Check out the full report and more details here!

Community Champions Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the Community Foundation at (970) 224-3462 or info@nocofoundation.org with any questions. Thank you for your generosity!
What is a Community Champion?
You can also mail a check, made payable to the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado (memo field listing Community Champions), to:
Community Foundation of Northern Colorado
4745 Wheaton Dr.
Fort Collins, CO, 80525.

Lifetime Circle
Bouchard Family Fund
Bruce and Muriel Hach Endowment Fund
President’s Circle
Visionary Circle
Catalyst Circle
Boettcher Foundation
Dudzinski Family Fund
Mac and Polly Juneau
Alistair and Doreen MacDonald
Innovation Circle
Jay and Melissa Brannen
Michael Merriman Family Giving Fund
Kristin and John Todd
Marla and Rocci Trumper
Kay E. Williams
Community Circle
Anne Farr
Paul and Amy Hummel
Cathy and Richard Schott
Steve and Kellie Sponberg
Randy and Katie Zwetzig
Partners Circle
Rhys Christensen
Jim and Gail Cozette
Colina Foundation
Terry and Annette Geiselman
Claire Bouchard and Tom Hilbert
Jennifer and Doug Johnson
Pat and Larry Kendall
Lamp Rynearson, Inc.
Marie and Tom Livingston
William and Linda McCann
Mindy McCloughan
Nick and Erin Roe
Laurie and Kelly Steele
Friends Circle
$25 – $999
Wen and Bev Bachman
Scott Black
Debra Brown
Catherine and Ethan Bucholz
K-Lynn Cameron and Bob Keller
Steve and Jennifer Cecil
John and Cindy Chapdelaine
Patricia DeAngelis Ratner
Robert Drage
Doug Erion
James and Mary Foos
Linda Gonzales
Steve Gross
Cecil and Kay Gutierrez
Mo Heth
Carolyn Hutchinson
Diana Hutchinson
Paul and Liz Johnson
Neil Kelley
Susan and Stephen Lehman
Lou McClelland
Chester Moore
Kevin L. Mullin
Jon-Mark C. Patterson
Michelle and Dan Provaznik
Priscilla Siano
Steve and Cindy Stansfield
Laurie Wells
Susan Whinery