Accepting donations to support local nonprofits

The Eastern Colorado Community Fund (ECCF), the United Way of Morgan County, and the Bank of Colorado have partnered to establish the Morgan County COVID-19 Response Fund. As with other disaster response initiatives, the objective is to provide leadership and collaborative funding to support those who face the greatest need.

The coronavirus has stunned the world and is taking its toll on every individual and organization, including our community’s nonprofits. To help respond to this unprecedented challenge, this effort will provide funding to local nonprofit organizations that work with people disproportionately affected by the consequences of COVID-19. Initially, these recipients include human service organizations that address food insecurity, especially for youth and older adults.

The Fund began with a $10,000 gift from a friend of the ECCF (an anonymous Morgan County donor), followed by $5,000 from The United Way of Morgan County, and another $5,000 from The Community Foundation of Northern Colorado. These organizations are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions from private foundations, corporate partners, and individual donors. As a corporate sponsor, the Bank of Colorado branches in Morgan County contributed $15,000 to be used as matching funds.

The ECCF and United Way of Morgan County will administer grants from the COVID-19 Fund with the assistance of community volunteers who will sit on the grant selection committee. Grants will be distributed to nonprofit organizations throughout Morgan County through the course of the crisis. The goal is to move resources quickly and adapt to evolving needs. The Foundation will not charge an administrative fee for this fund.

Announcing the First Round of Grants

May 18, 2020

Baby Bear Hugs – $2,688
To meet the immediate needs of eligible families and caregivers, prenatally and with children 0-3, through ongoing visits to provide parenting education with a focus on mental health support.

Center for Healing and Trauma and Attachment, Inc. – $6,720
To provide mental health counseling and adjunct services to individuals in Morgan County affected by the pandemic.

Morgan Community College Foundation – $2,500
To provide financial assistance for basic needs, such as food and housing, that may prevent students from being able to continue their education.

Morgan County Family Center – $10,000
To provide rental and utility payment assistance to those in most need.

Rising Up – $5,000
To assist with the provision of groceries to needy families and to supply personal protection equipment for the staff.

How you can help

Checks may be payable to the United Way of Morgan County with Morgan County Covid-19 Response Fund in the memo line and mailed to United Way of Morgan County, 106 E. Kiowa Ave., Fort Morgan, CO 80731.

Press Releases

Morgan County COVID-19 Response Fund announces first round of grants, May 18, 2020.

“This initiative reflects the service the Eastern Colorado Community Fund provides. Being a component fund of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, we have the infrastructure, relationships and experience to convene community resources and respond rapidly when action is needed in Eastern Colorado.”
— John Chapdelaine, ECCF director

“We are excited for this fund to be both flexible and meaningful to our community with the ability to respond to the greatest needs as they reveal themselves. We truly appreciate the partnership with the Eastern Colorado Community Fund and look forward to giving our community members an opportunity to both give and receive help.”
— Chaundra Jacobs, United Way of Morgan County executive director

“Morgan County has been hit hard by COVID-19 reporting the highest cases in Eastern Colorado. Bank of Colorado is proud to partner with the United Way of Morgan County and the Eastern Colorado Community Fund to give back to help our neighbors through the Morgan County COVID-19 Response Fund.”
— Cameron Armagost, Branch President Bank of Colorado

Thank you to our donors!

as of 06/03/20

Bank of Colorado
John and Cindy Chapdelaine
Community Foundation of Northern Colorado
Ingmire-Phillips Insurance
Keller Law
Harold and Dianna Pfeifer
The Tibbetts Family in honor of Marti McGraw
United Way of Morgan County