As Northern Coloradans, we know all too well how devastating disasters, whether natural or man-made, can be to the community. From fires to floods, we have had our fair share of disasters that have led to the community coming together to provide support to relief and recovery efforts. Over the last twenty years, the NoCo Foundation has jumped into action when our Northern Colorado community, and communities beyond our state’s borders, needed philanthropic support for short- and long-term recovery. Here, we will share resources with anyone who want to help support the relief efforts of disasters beyond our borders.

Los Angeles Area Wildfire Support

Our hearts are with those impacted by the fires in California. If you would like to help support relief and recovery efforts, below are a few resources you can use.

You can give directly by visiting these websites. If you are a fundholder at the NoCo Foundation, you can support these efforts through your donor advised fund. If you have any questions, please reach out to your fund liaison or our team here: